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5 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About Headaches

Last updated on February 18, 2022

As a consequence of headaches, many of us endure some degree of pain daily or long-term. There are a variety of types of headaches, ranging from migraines to tension headaches. Hopefully, these facts about headaches will give you a better understanding of what they are and how to avoid them in the future. If you are dealing with a headache in Dundalk, the following are some things you may want to know:

  1.     Inheritance of headaches is possible

Yes, your migraines may be the result of a genetic predisposition. Those who suffer from migraines, in particular, are susceptible genetically. You have a 50% increased probability of experiencing migraines if even one of your parents has them.

  1.     People who smoke are more likely to suffer from an uncommon but very frightening sort of headache

One in 1,000 persons suffers from cluster headaches, although they occur more often among smokers. Intense discomfort on one side of the head, as well as agitation or anger, are signs of a brain tumor (sufferers may even harm themselves or others). A cluster headache may be the cause of your symptoms. Go to the hospital or your health clinic as soon as possible; you will most likely require a breathing apparatus or a shot of Imitrex.

  1.     They have been connected to an increased risk of suicide

Numerous studies have now established a link between migraines and an increased risk of suicidal ideation and execution. Those who suffer from migraine headaches, such as seeing flashes of light or hearing noises, may be at even greater risk. The link between suicide and migraines is not entirely clear, but depression and migraines share many of the same genetics. Those who suffer from migraines should be made aware that “they are not alone.” They can seek assistance.

  1.     You may need a few hours of sleep

When regular habits are disrupted, the human body responds in many ways to this disruption. That is why headaches might signify that your body is trying to advise you to get more rest. At the very least, if you cannot get the select appropriate hours of sleep each night, you can attempt to ease the transition from sleeping to waking to give your body some time to adjust.

  1.     Migraine is most often the cause of a sinus headache or an intense tension headache

It is not uncommon to have sinusitis without experiencing any associated headache symptoms. Most headaches in the nasal area are migraines that impact the nerves in that location; therefore, an actual sinus headache is exceedingly rare.

Even though tension headaches are much more prevalent, most people do not seek medical assistance for them. For example, if your headache is so severe that you have to see a doctor, it is likely a migraine.

Avoid self-medication if you suffer from recurrent headaches. If your headaches are becoming more prevalent, extreme, or debilitating, interfering with your work or home responsibilities, not improving with over-the-counter medication, or getting worse after you sneeze or move, see your physician or focus on finding a headache expert.

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