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Lifelong Learning: Discover the Best Scholarships For Adult Learners

Have you ever wanted to advance in your career, only to be told you had to have a college degree? Or, is there a field that fascinates you that you’d like to pursue?

If so, you may consider joining the many adult college students across the country. Plenty of people either return to college or attend for the first time as adults.

However, paying for college may be a challenge for you. After all, tuition fees aren’t cheap. How can you navigate that difficulty and return to school?

One answer is to pursue scholarships for adult learners. These college scholarships provide financial aid to adults who want to continue their education.

What are some of those scholarships? If that’s what you’re wondering, keep reading! We’ll explore some of these scholarships in the guide below.

ASIST Scholarships for Adult Learners

The Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) scholarship helps adults who want to pursue a college education to improve their circumstances. These could be financial difficulties or physical/social challenges.

This scholarship provides $2,000-$10,000 to 13 male and female students each year. These funds can significantly benefit adults wishing to pay for college.

ASEP Scholarship

Each year, the Imagine America Foundation offers an annual scholarship of $1,000 to students who qualify for the Adult Skills Education Program (ASEP). Students who apply for this scholarship must be US citizens and at least 19 years old.

These students must also attend a school that participates in the program. Next, they’ll complete the NCCT Educational Success Potential Assessment if they meet these requirements. Their performance on this standardized test determines if they receive the financial aid.

Veteran Scholarships

Americans are divided on several issues. However, one issue that most Americans agree on is their support for the military. This support extends to veterans seeking a college education.

As such, veterans have several opportunities for receiving college financial aid. Several scholarships for veterans exist, each helping them pay for more of their college educations.

School-Based Scholarships

Many schools set aside scholarship funds geared towards helping adult students. These scholarships often assist both part-time and full-time adult students. This way, those adults can receive aid and continue working and spending time with their families.

DePaul University is an example of a school that offers scholarships to adults. Their scholarship comes through the School for New Learning, which specializes in helping adult learners.

Some fraternities and sororities also supply scholarships for adult students. The primary qualification for these scholarships is that students must attend schools with active chapters on campus. An example of such a scholarship is the Alpha Sigma Lambda scholarship.

Find the Scholarship You Need!

As you can see, there are several scholarships for adult learners. All you have to do is find the right scholarships to apply for.

So, check out your options and see what scholarships seem appropriate for you. Then, begin the application process if you qualify for that program. Soon, you may be back in school before you know it!

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