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The ABCs of TDFs: What Are Target Date Funds?

According to some research, 15% of Americans have no savings at all. If you’re in that category, you should consider investing in target-date funds.

But what are target-date funds? They can be crucial in your retirement savings plan, but we’re here to help you out.

Keep reading to discover all you need to know to have a successful investment.

What Are Target Date Funds?

Target-date funds are also referred to as life-cycle funds. They’re designed to help you prepare for retirement, and they’re designed to give you the perfect balance between risk and making money.

The fund will rebalance your portfolio automatically, so you can have a diversified portfolio without having to worry about it and constantly monitor it. These are normally mutual funds that are a mix of different funds.

You can set your money in the portfolio and allow the funds to compound extra money for you when you retire.

You should start this type of retirement plan as soon as possible so that you can spend more time growing. This is also better and safer for growth because a lot of your portfolio will be a mix of stocks and bonds, so you’re better at diversifying.

If you are forty and want to retire when you’re sixty-five, you should find a target-date fund that will pay out in five-year increments. You’d also find a provider who would give you a target-date fund that’s as close as possible to your retirement plan.

How Do They Work?

If you’re investing in stocks and bonds, you’ll normally have to actively manage those investments to make sure they’re profitable. But a target-date fund is managed passively by other investors.

You’ll keep putting money into your retirement plan, and you’ll get a target date for when you retire. For example, if you want to retire in 2070, then you have a 2070 fund, and that’s when you can start taking money out of this fund.

You should know what the target date will be before you set up your fund. You can set this up through your employer or your personal account.

If you choose a managed fund, a portfolio manager will control your investment through a glide path. This will ensure that you’re mixing a bunch of different investments within your mutual fund. They will also tailor how much risk you can take on as the portfolio ages.

Types of Target Date Funds

There are different types of target-date funds as well. They’re normally structured like mutual funds, and there are different ones that are based on fund objectives.

You can do that through a mutual fund or individual securities. You could also get a structured one through an equity mutual fund. This will be better than investing in stocks directly.

The proportion of these funds can change as time goes on. If you want to grow and make income, then you’ll want to get one that has equity in part of the portfolio.

There are different types of funds out there that you can invest in that meets your style. Some of the portfolios are based on algorithms, and some are also managed by an actual manager.

Most funds payout in five-year increments, but there are some that payout in ten, fifteen, and twenty-year increments.

Benefits of Target Date Funds

Some of the benefits of these retirement funds include having lower risks associated with them. They’re also easy to invest in so that even people who don’t have experience can get into this and save for retirement.

You’ll also want to have different options for your retirement plan, like being able to actively or passively manage your funds.

You’ll also be able to get access to different markets, and you’ll be able to select different assets.

How to Choose a Retirement Plan

While there are many benefits, you’ll also need to make sure that you choose an investment fund that meets all of your needs and goals. When in doubt, you can also consult an expert like Ballard Built to help you choose the right retirement plan.

But one thing you’ll want to consider is how much it costs. If you’re not actively managing the account, there might be fees for a portfolio manager to control it for you. You’ll also need to look for an annual fee.

This is normally a percentage of your investment, but you’ll want to make sure that you can afford it. When you have a higher fee, you’ll have more costs that can ruin your total growth costs.

Another factor you want to consider is what year the retirement plan is set to start paying out. If you want to retire in 2070, but the fund doesn’t start paying out until 2080, then this may not be a good fit.

You’ll also want to choose the right provider. There are many different options out there, like Fidelity, Vanguard, and other popular investment banks.

Do you want to choose one that has more of a focus on banking? Or do you want one that’s more focused on healthcare? There are all kinds of options out there for you.

Learn More About Target Date Funds?

These are only a few things to know to answer, “What are target date funds?” But there are many other factors that you’ll need to consider before you open one.

If you have any other questions about investments, make sure that you talk with a financial advisor to answer any questions that you have.

You can also check out our website to find more investment and financial related information.

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