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How to Select the Best Blog Niche for You

Did you know the number of bloggers in the U.S. increased from 15 million in 2015 to over 31 million in 2022? This shows many people still want to start a blog, despite the fact that the vlogging revolution is well underway.

However, although blogging isn’t considered a professional occupation, it needs some know-how; else, your blog won’t be successful. One of the things you need to know is how to find the best blog niche.

Unlike running a multi-niche blog, focusing on a niche, like sports or careers, enables you to draw in a loyal audience easily.

In this article, we’re fleshing out some of the most important things to consider when picking a blogging niche.

What Are You Passionate About?

Imagine you’re hanging out with your best friends and having discussions on various matters. One minute you’re talking about politics the next you’re on baseball. Do you get excited about every other topic or there are a few that excite you?

If you’re a baseball enthusiast, you’ll find that you’re making many contributions to the discussion. But when it comes to politics, you have little to say.

In a nutshell, that’s how blogging works. When you’re writing about topics you’re passionate about, you’ll always have fresh content to post on your blog.

So, when you’re choosing a blog niche, the first thing should be to evaluate your passions. What do you really love watching on television, for example?

It’s possible to have several passions. Don’t randomly settle on one. List them down and group them into a broader niche where necessary.

For example, if you’re passionate about basketball, baseball, off-road excursions, and hiking, the first two can be put under a sports niche, and the other under a travel niche.

Proceed to the next steps and you’ll know how to zero in on the most ideal niche.

Does the Niche Have a Sizeable Audience?

Blogging is pretty much like writing a book. Without an audience to buy the book or read your blog, you’ll naturally give up.

This is why it’s crucial to establish the audience size your preferred niche is likely to attract before getting started. Most popular niches have big audiences, but it’s possible that your niche is so unique or unusual that not many people know about it.

For instance, let’s say you love bed racing. This is an unusual sport and it’s uncommon to hear people watching it. If you decide to start a blog that’s exclusively on bed racing, attracting an audience will be a hard task.

If you’re wondering how to determine the popularity of a niche, start by doing simple keyword research. Enter “bed racing” into a keyword research tool and see the search volume. If the volume is in the hundreds, it means not many people are looking up the keyword online.

How Profitable Is the Niche?

You may start your blog as a passion project but eventually, you’ll want to monetize it. A vast majority of bloggers are earning an income from their blogs and a good number want to eventually become self-employed.

There are a number of factors that influence how much money a blog can make, with niche being a key one. A good niche attracts an audience. Think of an audience like a customer base and you’ll see how having a big audience makes it easier to monetize your blog.

So, go back to your list of niches and do further research to learn about their profitability potential. Statistics show food is one of the most profitable blog niches.

If by chance the food niche is top on your list, you’re in luck! This resource will help you start a delicious food blog that pulls in the big bucks.

It’s also important to consider how other blogs in your preferred niche are making money. Are they displaying banner ads, selling a product, or publishing affiliate links in their content? Often, blogs will combine two or more monetization strategies.

Do you have the skills to implement the same strategies? If most bloggers are selling their own products, you probably will also want to do the same. However, creating a product and successfully selling it to an audience is another thing altogether.

Who Will Be Creating Your Content?

Every blog needs fresh content to thrive. Your audience isn’t going to hang around if you’re posting new blog posts after several months. Plus, search engines want to see new, quality content; otherwise, your blog risks losing its rank.

As a starting blogger, you’ll likely be in charge of creating the content. This shouldn’t be difficult, especially if you pick a niche you’re passionate about.

However, it won’t be long before you realize that content creation is a full-time job. Sometimes you’ll run out of blog post ideas. Other times you’ll struggle to put sentences together. Hello, writers’ block!

You can hire content creators for your blog, but you need a budget for it. In some niches, like travel, it’s cheaper to get content from other creators. In other niches, especially technical ones like rocket engineering, content experts are going to cost an arm and a leg.

As such, when you deliberating on a niche, think about the content creation expenses that come with it.

Find Your Blog Niche

A blog niche will determine how far you will go in your blogging journey. Pick a good niche and you’ll give yourself a great chance at running a successful blog. Go with a bad niche and you’ll quit blogging sooner than later.

With these blogging tips, you now know how to find the best niche for you. All the best and keep coming back to our blog for more tips and advice.

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