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The Big Three Misdiagnosed Medical Conditions by Maryland Physicians

Even if you do not have a background in health care, you can understand the dangers of medical misdiagnosis by using your vehicle’s broken down engine as an example: Unless the mechanic properly pinpoints the issue, your car is not going to run. Of course, with diagnosis errors, the implications are far more severe. According to estimates from Johns Hopkins Medicine, around 100,000 people in the US die or are permanently disabled because of mistakes with diagnosis. In some cases, the physician’s assessment is wrong; in others, the diagnosis was delayed through the health care provider’s error.

Whether it is a delay or an incorrect diagnosis, the harm to the patient can be devastating. Fortunately, misdiagnosis is covered by Maryland medical malpractice laws, so you may have legal remedies if you were affected. A Maryland medical malpractice lawyer can assist with the process, which is much more complicated than other personal injury cases. Plus, you should be aware of the so-called Big Three medical conditions that are most often misdiagnosed.

Big Three in Diagnosis Errors 

Researchers at Johns Hopkins point out that there are more than 10,000 different medical conditions, so diagnosis can be challenging. Still, most mistakes can be narrowed down to just a few ailments. The data indicates that 75% of all serious harm from misdiagnosis is linked to the following diseases:

  • Cancer: Almost 38% of all diagnostic errors are related to cancer, with lung cancer ranking #1. Breast, colorectal, prostate, and skin cancers round out the list.
  • Vascular Events: In medical terminology, vascular refers to blood vessels that carry materials from the heart to organs and other areas of the body. Around 23% of all diagnosis mistakes are in this category, and stroke is the most misdiagnosed medical condition.
  • Infection: Over 13% of all diagnosis errors relate to infection, including sepsis, a medical condition in which timing is critical.

Misdiagnosis and Effects for Patients

With any diagnosis mistake, the most impactful consequence for the patient is not getting the care needed to treat the ailment. Closely related to this factor is that patients could receive harmful, unnecessary treatment for conditions they do not have. With respect to the Big Three in misdiagnosis:

  • When not properly diagnosed and treated, cancers can become terminal. A false-positive cancer diagnosis can be equally harmful, as the patient may go through chemotherapy, radiation, and other harsh treatment.
  • With a stroke, heart attack, and related vascular events, a misdiagnosis may lead to extensive damage to the heart, brain, and other organs.
  • An untreated infection can cause sepsis, a life-threatening condition that results when the human body attempts to rid itself of the contaminant.

Consult With a Baltimore County Medical Malpractice Attorney About Diagnosis Errors

You could qualify to recover monetary damages in a misdiagnosis case, so please contact the Law Office of William F. Mulroney to learn how we can assist with your case. You can set up a free case assessment at our Owings Mills location by calling (443) 352-8433 or checking out our website

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