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Learn Tajweed Rules To Become Master Of Phonetics And Articulation Of The Quran

Tajweed is an Arabic word that means doing something well or proficiency. Tajweed course gives command on the recitation of the Quran to students. You can only recite the Quran eloquently when you have learned all Tajweed rules with perfection. The true essence of reading the Quran lies in understanding the rules of Tajweed for every single word. Tajweed has a very long history. Many prominent scholars including Abu Ubaid al-Qasim bin Salam, Abu Bakr Ibn Mujāhid, Imam Al-Shatibi, Ibn al-Jazari, and many others defined rules, terms, and pronunciation of every alphabet of the Quran.

Why is it important to recite the Quran by applying Tajweed rules?

By taking online Quran classes the students gain the confidence to recite the Quran beautifully in front of others. It is sinful to recite the Quran in the wrong way. The wrong recitation of the Quran changes the meaning or changes the grammar. There are 17 emission points in throat, tong, lips, nose, and mouth for correct pronunciation of alphabets. Only a veteran teacher knows how to apply these rules. Many students fail in reciting the Quran just because of a lack of guidance. Besides this, Qiraat style matters a lot. When you become a master of Tajweed rules, you can pick the mistakes of readers quickly.

How students can learn from online Quran classes?

Online Quran classes have designed a comprehensive course that covers all major aspects of Tajweed. The presence of a professional teacher is very important to learn and understand the rules of Tajweed. A lot of students are interested in learning this course but they do not where to start. Verily, online Quran reading academies have experienced teachers that provide step-by-step guidance to students to effectively learn Tajweed rules. The flexibility of schedule and comfortable environment of the home gives complete freedom of learning.

What is the essence of online Tajweed classes?

The initial step is to understand Arabic grammar rules to determine the characteristics of every alphabet. The step-wise approach develops sound understanding among students. The learning objectives of online Quran with Tajweed course includes learning the foundation, rules of Al-Isti‘aatha & Al-Basmalah, Al-Noon, Al-Saakinah Noon, Meem Mushaddadah, Al-Meem Al-Saakinah , Al-Qalqalah, Madd,  Al-Laam, Hamzah, Makhaarij Al-Huroof, Sifaatul Huroof, etc. During one-to-one Skype sessions, the entire focus of teachers is directed towards students. The sounds of some alphabets seem extremely critical but the right guidance can save your time. In short, online Tajweed course via Skype will make you the master of phonetics and articulation of Arabic language.

The main purpose of online Quran with Tajweed is to give the command to students over the recitation of the Quran. The students feel self-reliant in asking questions from teachers for clarification of their concepts. Additionally, the teachers provide relevant material to increase the learning capacity of students. Only practice makes you perfect. The online Tajweed tutors arrange frequent revision sessions to overcome the knowledge gaps. Similarly, quizzes and test sessions give confidence to learners to become master of Tajweed rules.

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