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What I Do When I Feel Demotivated!!

Life is uncertain, no matter how many plans you make to be happy in life. At one point you feel demotivated, that’s what I feel, and it is very agonizing because all your energy gets drained, it changes your thinking ability, your feelings which put negative impact in your daily routine. It can feel like you are living in black hole and there is no light for you.

Creating a positive mind-set is actually a therapy; it does not mean that you are ignoring the negative thoughts.  It actually assimilates both positive and negative thoughts and makes your mind optimistic.

Here are few tips, which I usually do when negativity floods my mind.


Journaling is helpful in managing your emotions. When I was a kid, I always kept hidden notebook in which I wrote down my thoughts, my feelings and it seemed that my notebook absorbed my negativity and gave me hope in return. I am glad that this habit has been with me since my childhood.

If you have the habit of journaling then it’s amazing and you haven’t, so not to worry. You can start today and it will really give you incitement. It actually brings gratitude in your life. You start making affirmations in your life. It helps improve mental health after harrowing event. It makes you open towards your dreams.

So, what are you waiting for?? Grab your pen and a journal and start writing!!!!


When you are being stressful, another helpful tool is reading.

“Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.”– E.B. White

Reading is a habit that every person should have. Reading plays very vital role in your life. It reduces your stress and puts you in a better mood. I always found books, my therapeutic friends.  When I am alone or sad I pick up a book from my shelf and I get lost in the beautiful world of that book. Reading makes you believe in fairy tales, it motivates you in achieving your goals; it motivates you to become a better person. Once you start reading, you will get addicted to it.

Here I am recommended to you Maha_Z_Life and some books, you must read them once in life.

  1. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
  2. The Power by Rhonda Byrne
  3. The leader who had no title by Robin sharma
  4. A thousand splendid of sun by KhaleedHosseini
  5. The seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey


When I feel low, I start practicing more gratitude in my life. Gratitude is a thing that brings peace to your whole body. It helps you in refocusing on your blessings instead of what you lack. Once you count your blessings, you will be more grateful to your God. It brings acceptance of life as it goes. When you bring more gratitude in your life, you will have better health, you will sleep better, prompt more empathy and gentleness. When you appreciate people, keep them happy, help them, you will feel good about yourself and new opportunities will be knocking on your door.


The last therapy I would recommend you, spend time with your family. It is the best therapy, actually family is therapy. When I feel myself low, demotivated, negativity triggered my mind, I talk to my family, specially my parents, they are my best friends, spending time with them makes me realize how blessed I am!!

We are so busy in our lives that we have forgotten who is behind our success. We spend the least time with them when they need us the most and that’s why we never find actual happiness in our lives. If your parents have left the world then spend time with siblings, close friends. They really help you to stay positive. I would ask you people please spend more time with your family; you will have more blessings in your life.

So, these are some therapeutic tips that I follow to bring more peace and happiness in my life.


This content is written by Mahapara Khan.  A creative content writer and digital marketer at Maha_Z_Life. You can follow her on Instagram.

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