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Why And How To Create An Effective Marketing Video?

Content marketing and video, the winning duo?

Why make a marketing video?

Video marketing has become an essential format for its digital marketing strategy. For example, YouTube totals more than a billion hours of videos viewed every day around the world. Not to mention the billions of videos published there…

A figure that continues to grow because Internet users and therefore your prospects increasingly favor content that is easy to “consume” and which allows multitasking. Traditional blog posts are still effective but require more focus.

Since 2016, the number of companies using video as a marketing tool has increased from 61% to 85%.


And, 88% of video marketers said video gives them a positive ROI, a 5% increase from last year’s numbers. In addition, video considerably increases the reach of publications on social networks, since it elicits more interactions from users, namely: 1200% more shares than text and images combined. The different types of videos in content marketing

Depending on the topic you are dealing with and the needs of your target audience, one type of video may be more relevant than another.

The different video formats are:

  • The “How to” video: it explains a notion or a concept.
  • The presentation video: to present your offer or service.
  • The tutorial video: a short video sequence containing practical advice.
  • The webinar: a thematic live video
  • Live video (live): you understand ?
  • The “corporate culture” video: conveys the company’s state of mind internally
  • Customer testimonials: feedback from your customers on your work
  • Vlogs: video to film to share a moment or give feedback

Among the types of videos cited, the most commonly used are: “How to” videos (72%), presentation videos (49%) and testimonial videos (48%).
#tips: See what’s happening on the web and choose the type of video that best suits your topic to make it relevant.

How to choose the right subject for your marketing video

For a video to be deemed relevant in the eyes of Internet users, it must be addressed to the right person. A marketing video is like a phone call, you need someone on the phone and adapt their speech to create a bond.

The question to ask is: who is my video for?

Once your target is defined, develop your personas. How to create a biography page on Wikipedia the persona is the representation of an imaginary character who describes a cohesive set of potential buyers and their common characteristics. This fictitious representation makes it possible to deepen the knowledge of its target by understanding its typical day, its centers of interest, its needs and its concerns. To properly develop your personas, after developing your personas, you will be able to bring out a lot of information that will allow you to identify the problems they are encountering.
When you are faced with the problems of your personas, ask yourself: what content topics can emerge?

By asking yourself this question, you will be able to bring out content topics to be covered that will precisely meet the expectations of your target.

How To Implement Your Marketing Content Strategy?

Make your content marketing video

Prerequisites before shooting

Create a powerful video

The mindset of a video in content marketing

In content marketing, there is a real mindset to making your content relevant and generating leads.

Adopting the content marketing mentality consists of:
creating effective content by meeting the needs of its target
bring value through concrete information
about what you know and not about you.

The key to a successful video is to get to the bottom of its content.

Define the objective of your video

If you decide to get started with content creation, it’s not just a mimicry effect. You are aware of the potential of video in your strategies and the possible return on investment.

Defining an objective therefore allows you to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve in terms of results.

By analyzing the different performance indicators linked to your objective, you will be able to enter into a process of continuous improvement.

By asking yourself a set of questions, you will be able to identify the various problems encountered which did not allow the expected results to be obtained.

Make your marketing video

Write the script for your video

To resort to improvisation in video, is for the blow very badly done…
If you improvise the content, you will lose in credibility vis-à-vis your target, because the video will not be perceived as of quality, and that can harm your image.

The script will allow you to work on the content of the video and therefore, Wikipedia editors to structure your speech well, to link ideas and work on storytelling. Storytelling allows you to work on the narration of its content by telling a story, so as to keep the reader in suspense throughout its reading.

By introducing this technique in your script, your content will be more attractive and will keep the attention of your target, who will be grateful not to sleep or even bother them. In addition, you will be able to bring more value to your video and you will more easily create a link with your target.

Of course, you shouldn’t lose sight of your persona when writing your script. Tailor your speech by choosing words that will make sense to it.

In addition to the structure of your content, you will have a clearer vision of the rendering you want to achieve, which will make it easier for you to create your storyboard.

6 steps to storyboard your video

The storyboard is important when making a video. In this way, you will be able to have a precise idea of ​​the result and to keep the common thread, from the beginning to the end of the realization.
Proceed step by step:

Step 1: Define your target
Never lose sight of your target. This is the golden rule. You are making this video for her not for you.

Step 2: Define Your Goal
you don’t make a video to make a video. You must have a specific objective in mind, it is your common thread. For all the other questions during the shooting you will have to say to yourself “does this meet the objective & does it speak to my target?”

Step 3: Define the duration of your video
Do not make videos longer than 1min30 on LinkedIn or Facebook. Save long videos for YouTube or Instagram IGTVs.

Step 4: What CTA (s) for your video?
The goal is for your target to get in touch with you. Example: website link, LinkedIn logo, twitter logo…

Step 5: Structure Your Video
the structure of your video is important for providing rhythm and organizing your ideas. During the editing, you will save time because you will link the sequences more easily. Example:
# 1 Teaser
# 2 Cardboard (appearance of the logo)
# 3 Introduction of the subject

Step 6: Choose a location for the shoot
Depending on the structure of your video, choose a location for your shoot.
#tips Plan a plan B, in case of problem you can turn around quickly.

Shoot your video

Film like a pro with a smartphone

Convincing the big boss to invest in video equipment is often the cross and the banner…
Fortunately, we all have a smartphone with a good quality camera. And above all, don’t panic if you don’t have any equipment, you can get a very nice result if you apply these tips while filming:

  • #tips 1 when you go to shoot your video, be sure to put your smartphone in “landscape mode”. If you shoot in portrait format you will get black bands on the videos and the footage will be unusable for your video.
    The portrait format is good if you are making IGTV videos on Instagram.
  • #tips 2 to stabilize your camera as much as possible when filming while walking, bend your legs to dampen the tremors caused by movement.
  • #tips 3 if you want to take a dynamic close-up of a setting or object, use the available borders and drag your smartphone so that your shot is straight and gives fluidity to the image.

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