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What Is the Paraquat Lawsuit?

Thousands of legal cases make their way through the courts every day. While some cases involve criminal charges, many law firms handle civil cases between parties. Civil lawsuits include medical malpractice, personal injury, breach of contract, and defamation cases.

While all legal cases are significant to the parties involved, class action lawsuits are expensive and time-consuming legal matters involving multiple plaintiffs. Class-action suits against companies such as Nortel, Enron, and AOL Time Warner concluded with settlements worth billions of dollars. One major lawsuit making its way through the courts today is the paraquat lawsuit. Let’s look at what this lawsuit’s about, how to determine whether you have grounds for a paraquat case, and why you should pursue legal action.

What is the paraquat lawsuit?

Paraquat’s an herbicide that’s applied to crops and used to kill weeds. It’s a toxic substance that’s only available to certified applicators in the United States. Despite the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, many people have died from accidental poisoning after consuming paraquat, but that’s not the reason for the lawsuit.

The paraquat lawsuit is legal action against Syngenta, Growmark, and Chevron Chemical. These companies produce and distribute paraquat in the United States. The plaintiffs are persons exposed to paraquat who’ve developed Parkinson’s disease. TorHoerman Law’s pursuing the suit, which was filed in 2017. The legal team’s responsible for gathering evidence, filing legal paperwork, and preparing the legal case against Syngenta, Growmark, and Chevron Chemical.

TorHoerman Law’s legal team provides extensive information about the paraquat lawsuit on their website, enabling people to learn about the lawsuit and what steps to take if they believe they qualify to pursue legal action against the makers of paraquat or rotenone.

How can you determine if you have grounds to pursue a paraquat lawsuit?

The plaintiffs taking legal action against Syngenta, Growmark, and Chevron Chemical include agricultural workers and farmers who developed Parkinson’s disease. Agricultural workers and farmers are the primary persons who’ve been exposed to paraquat because of the EPA restrictions on who can purchase and use paraquat.

Since the lawsuit’s limited to people who’ve developed Parkinson’s disease, you should confirm you have Parkinson’s first. Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include tremors, nightmares, muscle stiffness, amnesia, speech issues, loss of smell, anxiety, depression, and neck tightness.

Review a complete list of the symptoms of Parkinson’s and consult your medical doctor if you suspect you may have this nervous system disorder. Parkinson’s disease is incurable and may lead to dementia and other health issues, which is why you must verify your diagnosis and begin immediate treatment.

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Contact TorHoerman Law for a free consultation to determine if you have grounds to take legal action. Any documentation establishing your exposure to paraquat products and your Parkinson’s diagnosis will support your case and establish your grounds to proceed with a legal case against paraquat’s manufacturers.

Why should you pursue legal action?

Lawsuits are stressful and time-consuming. The paraquat case was filed in Oct. 2017 and is ongoing. Learning you have Parkinson’s disease can be frightening, and the thought of taking legal action while you’re starting treatment for Parkinson’s could compound your stress.

Medical costs are expensive, and people with Parkinson’s require ongoing medical care for the rest of their lives. Pursuing legal action against paraquat’s manufacturers provides an opportunity to secure financial compensation for your medical bills. You may also receive funds to compensate for the loss of income and pain and suffering.

While paraquat’s U.S. manufacturers and distributors disclaim responsibility for medical issues stemming from exposure to this toxic chemical, the European Union implemented restrictions against paraquat in 2007, and 32 countries have banned paraquat. A 2012 study linked paraquat to Parkinson’s disease; however, paraquat’s still sold and used in the United States.

The paraquat lawsuit involves legal action against the companies making and distributing paraquat in the United States. The plaintiffs were exposed to paraquat and developed Parkinson’s disease.

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