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Does Virtual Mental Health Treatment Work as Well as In-Person?

The global pandemic has changed the way therapists function. No different from the ways businesses have had to make changes to keep their doors open, the mental health industry has revamped how they offer group therapy, individual therapy, treatment programs, psychiatric support in a crisis, and even family therapy. Many people wonder if it’s possible to get the same benefit from remote therapy as you can get in person. The short answer is that how you approach therapy as a client will make the difference in how successful it is for you. For a closer look at online and in-person service and why both add up to client motivation, read on.

Online Services

Therapy works best when clients are fully engaged and ready for change. The best therapy groups like Charlie Health are ready to help motivated clients with their online services the same way they help adolescents and others struggling through in-person therapy. That is, whether you as the client meet with a therapist at a physical location or through telehealth therapy, how effective your treatment plan is will be more about how motivated you are to succeed. In short, you’ll get out of therapy what you put into it.

To best engage in online therapy, it’s important that you pick a space in your home or office where it’s distraction-free and private. One of the possible downsides to online therapy is that it can be hard to stay focused. In having a space dedicated to the healing process, you’ll be more likely to get the help you need in a straightforward way. If you live with other people, it’s a good idea to let them know when you’ll be doing online therapy so they can give you the space you and your therapist need to concentrate.

In-Person Services

In the same way your motivation will add up to a better chance of success with online therapy, it’s important that you go to in-person sessions with an open mind. While this type of therapy will be distraction-free, it’s less convenient than online therapy through telehealth services. To best engage with in-person therapy, it’s a good idea to show up early for your appointments and give yourself time after the session to process what you and your therapist have talked about. The downside to in-person therapy is that it can be easy to leave recovery at the door on the way out. Be sure to complete any therapy assignments after each session for the best chance of success.

Hybrid Therapy

Since the beginning of the pandemic, many people are having great luck with a combination of in-person and remote therapy known as hybrid counseling to address their needs. Not only does this combination give you the benefit of feeling better connected to your therapist, but it can be more convenient, too. When signing up for therapy, consider asking your therapist if they’re willing to do a combination of remote and in-person visits. You might find that this combination gives you the best of both options. Many people do well with meeting in person once a month and using the other three sessions as online opportunities for check-ins. It’s okay to practice, make changes, and find out what feels right to you.

In the end, there are no right or wrong answers in how you get help for your mental health symptoms. Whether you attend intensive outpatient therapy, do therapy online, or use a hybrid model, being open-minded about your treatment will mean a better chance of recovery. Best of luck to you as you find the right therapist for you and work to feel better. You’re important and deserve to be the best version of yourself!

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