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Avoiding Probate: Strategies and Considerations

Probates are time-consuming as well as costly legal processes, which can add unnecessary stress to your already grieving family. This situation can be avoided by careful planning so that your assets can be directly transferred to the person you want without any involvement of the court.

The Ebbert Law Firm and a few other highly professional law firms understand how important it is to protect your assets and make the process of passing on property to your heir smooth. They can help you and tell you many legal ways that you can use to avoid probate, like living trusts, joint ownership, and beneficiary designations.

What is Probate

Probate is basically a legal process after a person’s death in which the assets owned by the deceased person are distributed to heirs, debts are settled, and if there is any will, then it is validated by the court.

Even though probate helps in the proper handling of the deceased person’s estate, it can be time-consuming and expensive. For these reasons, people try to avoid probate.

Avoiding probate can be advantageous in numerous ways, such as saving time, reducing legal complexity, and keeping your estate matters confidential. 

Strategies to Avoid Probate in Tennessee

In Tennessee, there are some specific laws and strategies that can help you avoid probate. These can include making living trusts, joint ownership arrangements, and naming beneficiaries on accounts. It is important to understand these strategies when planning your estates.

Establish a Living Trust

A living trust can help you transfer ownership of all of your assets into the trust, and you can still have control of them while you are alive. After your death, the assets will be distributed to your beneficiaries without going through probate. This is a great way to avoid probate.

Joint Ownership with Rights of Survivorship

Joint ownership is also a good way to avoid probate. This applies when you own a property with someone else, such as your spouse. After your death, your surviving spouse will automatically inherit the property. 

This transfer is without probate and makes it an easy way to manage assets like real estate.

Beneficiary Designations

If you have accounts like life insurance, retirement funds, or payables on a death bank account, then it is good to name beneficiaries so that you can make sure that these assets can be directly passed on to the individual without going through probate.

Small Estate Affidavit

For estates that are under $50,000 in Tennessee, you can make an estate affidavit so that you can bypass the probate process and allow for a simpler and quicker transfer of assets. 

Things to Consider When Avoiding Probate

Avoiding probate can help you make the transfer of assets easier, but you also need to consider the tax implications of your estate planning strategies. 

In Tennessee, there is no state inheritance tax, but you will have to pay federal estate tax if your estate is more than the exemption limit. Assets in a living trust are part of the taxable estate, so this does not save you from taxes. 

One way to reduce the size of your estate is by gifting assets, but you will still have to be careful about the federal gift tax limits.

Legal Support and Guidance

If you want to avoid probate successfully, then you need careful legal planning. Tennessee estate laws can sometimes be complex, and with proper guidance, you can make mistakes that can ultimately lead to probate and make the process of your estate distribution complex.

Act Now and Secure Your Future

Taking steps to avoid probate not only helps you protect your assets but also makes sure that your loved one can have a smooth transition after your passing. The strategy can be different depending on your circumstances, so it is important that you consult with a legal expert to get a well-tailored plan that fits your needs.

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