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Everything You Ought to Know About Rhinoplasty Procedure

The nose shape surgery, otherwise known as rhinoplasty, allows you to change the shape of your nose to suit comfortability and improve functionality.  This surgery enables you to get you to change a variety of nasal structure details, to suit your preference. It can physically change the nose angle and size.

If you have any breathing problems or would like to change your nasal details, contact Dr. Michael Macdonald, M.D, a rhinoplasty in San Francisco specialist, to discuss the procedure.

Reasons for Considering Rhinoplasty

The leading reasons towards a rhinoplasty motivation are:

  •       Breathing problem corrections.
  •       Birth defects corrections.
  •       Post-injury nose repair.
  •       Unhappy with the appearance.

Reasons to Reconsider Rhinoplasty

Every procedure comes with risks. Below are some of the reasons why you should reconsider rhinoplasty:

  •       Unrealistic expectations, partaking in the procedure does not change your life and should only be done as a personal decision that is not influenced by other people.
  •       Recovery time length, since it’s a major procedure, a recovery period of days to weeks is recommendable depending on your procedure’s invasiveness.
  •       Cost, even with financial options, the procedure is not covered by your insurance.

Rhinoplasty Preparations

Before the procedure, certain preparations should be made. These preparations include:

  •       Avoid anti-inflammatory medications that are non-steroidal such as Motrin, aspirin, Aleve, herbal supplements, vitamin E or medication with the above compounds, two weeks prior to the procedure.
  •       Avoid smoking two weeks before and after the procedure.

Advantages of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty opens up a window of choices. Some of the advantages of this procedure include:

  •       You can change the size of your nose, increasing or decreasing it.
  •       Your nostrils are given a new shape.
  •       The nasal tip can be reduced.
  •       The bridge can be reduced.
  •       Harmonizing all the facial features and enhancing balance.
  •       A positive facial aesthetic effect.
  •       Improved breathing.
  •       Deviated septum problem correction.
  •       Increased self-confidence that comes with the awareness of the changed appearance.
  •       Improved health conditions that are contributed by improved breathing.

Disadvantages of Rhinoplasty

Everything that has an advantage has a disadvantage. Some of the cons associated with rhinoplasty include:

  •       The results of rhinoplasty become less visible with an increase in nasal skin thickness.
  •       It may result in side effects such as difficulty in breathing through the nose, permanent numbness in and around the nose, and a possibility of your nose looking uneven.

Risks Associated with Rhinoplasty

Some of the risk factors you may experience with this procedure include:

  •       Risks associated with anesthesia.
  •       Breathing difficulties.
  •       Skin sensation changes.
  •       Infection contraction risks.
  •       Revision surgery possibility.
  •       Swelling and discoloration of the skin.
  •       Scarring or poor wound healing.
  •       Perforation of the nasal septal.

Talk to a Rhinoplasty Expert Today

Rhinoplasty, being a major procedure with serious risks, is a common procedure in the US. To minimize the risks associated with these procedures, the best specialist comes in handy. Aesthetic Surgery Center offers the best rhinoplasty procedures that improve your life quality with minimal risks involved. Contact them today for a procedure discussion with Dr. Michael Macdonald, M.D.

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