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Managing Achilles’ Tendon Injuries and Conditions with Stem Cell Therapy

Achilles tendonitis is a debilitating condition that can take at least a year to heal. Because of this long recovery period, your daily routines will be seriously limited. You may need to use a boot and crutches and deal with constant pain every day. And because of the risk of detachment or re-rupture, you may lose confidence in your ability to take part in sports. Thankfully, stem cell therapy can help you recover from acute issues in your achilles tendon in Westfield and chronic pain. 

What Happens if You Suffer from Achilles Tendonitis?

This type of condition can occur after your Achilles’ tendon has been overused. It usually happens when sports activity is inconsistent such as when you play tennis intensively on the weekends, increase the run intensity, or play soccer during sedentary weeks. Often, you will start experiencing minor aches and then serious pain after strain. You may find it hard to perform everyday activities like walking. Also, you may have symptoms like persistent pain, swelling, tenderness, and swelling. 

When your Achilles’ tendon ruptures, you can be in serious pain. It usually happens during sports activity for those between the ages of 30 and 50, particularly when you need to start and stop quickly, move side to side, or deal with a heavy strain without adequate training. An Achilles’ tendon rupture makes it impossible for you to raise your toes and notice a gap on the back of your heel.

Achilles tendonitis can be managed with conservative treatment such as deep tissue massage, ultrasound, physical therapy, and dry needling. Recovery from tendon injuries can be challenging. 

Getting Relief with Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells are healing agents that can stimulate the natural healing processes of the body. But, your tendons, joints, spinal discs, and ligaments do not have a sufficient supply of stem cells necessary to repair your injuries due to long-term wear and tear. A doctor can harvest stem cells from your bone marrow and adipose tissue and inject them into the injury site. These cells will look for the damaged tissue and help improve the tendon structure, reduce inflammation, and speed up healing. 

For pain and injuries in the Achilles’ tendons, stem cells can target the cause of inflammation or promote tissue growth in the affected site. This may help you avoid surgery. If you have undergone surgery, stem cells can speed up your recovery. Your doctor should be able to tell you how stem cell therapy can help you with your condition. 

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