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Top 9 Important Definitions in Business Streaming

Last updated on February 24, 2022

More and more people join the OTT business field. However, there are several businesses streaming elements that many people still find confusing, like “what does on-prem mean?” or what is CDN?” So, we decided to remind you of the most important definitions in the sphere.

Here are the top 9 definitions in business streaming a person involved should know:

On-Prem and On-cloud Deployment 

On-premise deployment enables control over the data and comes with resources to maintain on-site infrastructure. It is ideal for businesses capable of building a robust solution. Since it provides full control over the workflow, the businesses are responsible for managing all levels of their technology stack. On-prem deployment is also suitable for businesses with IT personnel that monitors the live-streaming infrastructure.

Meanwhile, on-cloud deployment yields management and control duties to the service provider. It is suitable for businesses that plan to grow within limited resources. The deployment helps scale the capacity up and down as quickly as possible while minimizing the costs for hardware and maintenance. It is also a one-stop solution for those who want a minimal start-up time without the need to sort through the components necessary to reach end-viewers.

Middleware (Content & User Management)

Middleware refers to the software that speeds up the development of distributed apps by simplifying the connectivity between the apps and their components and back-end data sources. It allows developers to build applications even without creating a customer integration whenever they connect to application components, computing resources, or data sources.

This software builds a secure connection from the front-end app to back-end data sources via Transport Layer Security or another network security protocol. The middleware type called asynchronous data streaming middleware replicates the data stream in the intermediate store. This results in data sharing between multiple applications.


Encoding is compressing large video files to ensure easier uploading to the internet. Many broadcasters utilize either software or hardware video encoder for such tasks. It helps squeeze down a video to a more manageable size for a quick transit across the information platforms. To compress a video, the process utilizes video codecs, such as AV1, VP8, HEVC, H.264, MPEG-4, and ProRes.

Transcoding refers to the process of taking an encoded stream with attribute modification, like the encoded bit rate or image size, in a meaningful manner. Outputting multiple variants is one of the main advantages of this process. A transcoder receives the encoded video stream, which comes from an encoder. Then, it decodes it to a raw video again, modifies it significantly, and re-encodes it.

CDN (Content Delivery Network)

CDN describes various content delivery services, such as mobile or website content acceleration, software downloads, load balancing, transparent caching, multi-CDN switching, and video streaming. Some endpoints to which the CDN distributes content include gaming consoles, set-up boxes, mobile devices, and web browsers.

For live video streaming, this network of servers takes a source stream and moves a single source stream across the core of its network. Then, it delivers the source stream to the most proximate edge server to the viewers. The goal is to ensure that video streaming achieves an efficient distribution and the highest quality viewing experience.

DRM Solution (Security)

Digital Rights Management (DRM) solution protects copyright for digital media. It includes using technologies to help limit the copying and use of proprietary software and copyrighted works.

This solution enables streaming businesses to control what users can do with their works. Implementing DRM processes or systems helps prevent users from accessing or utilizing particular assets. In return, businesses avoid any legal issues that may arise from unauthorized use. It helps protect income streams by ensuring that only users who paid can watch the movie or video content. It also ensures that the video content is only accessible to a specific audience.

API Integration 

API integration is described as the process of connecting systems, data sources, and applications seamlessly with an application programming interface (API). That interface acts as a messenger between endpoints. This allows two or more technologies to connect for a joint function.

As an engine that drives the transfer of data access, API enables people to watch a streaming service. It allows business streaming to leverage the existing application functions with other apps. For instance, API integration ensures data availability from one database to another app, making it a single source of truth.

Monetization (AVOD, SVOD, TVOD)

There are three different monetization strategies for Video on Demand or VOD streaming platform:

  • Advertising-based Video on Demand (AVOD) allows a user to watch your content without a subscription. However, there will be ads before, during, and after the video. AVOD is suitable for those who have a large following or audience. The video monetization platform gives the audience a chance to watch content for free, which creates a low barrier for entry. It also provides scalable revenue for a growing or very large audience.
  • Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) is a monetization model when a user pays for a monthly subscription to access videos. SVOD is for OTT creators who want to provide their audience the flexibility to join without a long-term contract. It is also a great way to monetize if the video content is ongoing or offers classes that can be streamed over time, or the creator releases limited content regularly.
  • Transactional Video on Demand (TVOD) is the process of renting or buying a piece of content, like Pay-Per-View (PPV). When monetizing with TVOD, content creators can promote a particular release for rent or purchase. This approach is suitable for larger audiences who are inconsistent since there is no fee involved to join.

Real Time Analytics Reporting System

Real-time analytics reporting system is where an event is being recorded and reported when it occurs. With this type of reporting system, business streaming providers can view and access their critical pieces of data right as they are happening. Instant data collection, analysis, and packaging allow them to view results as quickly as possible.

Multiscreen Options 

Multiscreen options allow viewers or audiences to watch content in multiple formats. Since content pieces like videos are transformed into various resolutions, bit rates, and formats, the content is displayed on devices like computers, tablets, mobile phones, and televisions. Other devices may include an internet enabled TV or video game consoles like Xbox 360.

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