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What are seller and buyer closing costs in California?

Are you thinking about how to utilize your funds smartly so you can also clear your closing cost? I know there are many incurred costs that the seller might have to endure during the selling process of their house, and closing cost is one of them.

Many people say that if we are earning a lot after selling a house, it’s pretty easy to pay closing costs. Well, here, I have a different opinion. I guess every cost matters. If you are selling your house in a big city like California, all the financial transaction matters more than any small country.

Many new sellers are misguided with this conception and directed to pay the extra cost of money in the urge of closing cost whereas seller closing cost California would only cost up to 5% to 10% of the listing price.

Now stop being manipulated by the brokers. Work efficiently and know your direction. If you are still confused about the closing cost, then in this article, I will break it down all in detail. We will discuss all the closing costs incurred while selling or buying your house in California or any other state or country. We will discuss the typical and most common seller and buyer closing costs in this article.

What is the closing cost?

The closing cost is the last step of the listing in which the seller and buyer have to clear all the end expenditures. Some expenses are incurred at the last of the listing process for both sellers and buyers. But the sellers most probably have to pay more as compared to the buyer. The most common seller and buyer closing costs are as follows.

Most typical seller and buyer closing cost in California 

  • Application cost
  • Attorney fee- it’s mandatory to hire an attorney in some states for legal transection.
  • Closing charges- including escrow company fees and title company fees
  • Courier fee- if you are working digitally and live in another country, so for the expedite process.
  • Credit report fee- it charges $15 to $30. It Is mandatory to charges for the credit reports from the credit bureaus.
  • Escrow deposit and mortgage payment
  • House inspection fee- it’s necessary to check whether the house structure and foundation are in exact condition or causing any alarming situation.
  • flood inspection fees
  • transfer fee
  • insurance fees
  • Lead-based paint inspection charges
  • Buyers’ title insurance- in case of title search, have any unknown issues.
  • Origination charges
  • Sellers title insurance
  • Pest inspection cost.
  • Prepaid daily interest charges- the mortgage charges from the first day of the transaction to the end day.
  • Property appraisal charges
  • Property tax- it’s a local property tax that needs to pay within 60 days of the purchase.
  • Buyer Rate lock fee
  • Recording fee- for the public record
  • Survey charges- to check the property liens and boundaries charges.
  • Previous Tax monitoring and tax status research charges
  • Title search cost
  • Transfer tax charges
  • Underwriting charges
  • Veterans Affairs funding cost

Final thoughts 

I hope I have included all the essential sellers and buyer closing costs in California that you have to clear before closing the deal.

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