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Why do most second marriages lead to divorce?

Statistics reveal that in the US more than 55% of first marriages, 68% of second marriages, and 75% of third marriages inevitably lead to divorce. Doesn’t this sound bleak? But have you ever wondered about the reason behind these statistics? You may think that a person should get better with the entire idea of marriage with more experience. Then why do third marriages lose their charm and ultimately end up in divorce? 

A divorce attorney in Columbus, Ohio said that there are multiple reasons why second and third marriages fail to succeed. Would you like to get a sneak peek into some of these reasons? If yes, keep reading. 

Reason #1: Familiarity leads to lesser inhibitions

Usually, people have several inhibitions about divorce. But someone who has already gone through a divorce has enough experience of handling the ordeals of the same. This makes them less terrifying in taking that same step again. As soon as problems start creeping into their second marriage, they don’t waste any time in deciding to call it quits. 

Reason #2: Not letting go of the divorce wounds

Now that you have already gone through a devastating experience due to your first marriage and divorce, you might not still be fully open to a new relationship. At some point, your friends and family may think you’re done with it but deep down, your wounds are still new. This is when you fear the thought of getting too close in a relationship and this even spoils your second marriage. 

Reason #3: Marrying for a whimsical reason

There are times when you feel too lonely after you call off your first marriage and part ways. This intense feeling of loneliness can lead to hasty and wrong decisions. If you make the mistake of rentering into another marriage without clearly considering what you want from that relationship, you might as well proceed towards a second divorce again. 

Reason #4: Not giving enough time to know each other

Before you marry a person, it is vital for you to know that person from various aspects. Instead of seeing their best sides, it is better to know how they react during stressful situations, and how they accept criticism, rejection, and bad luck. Will you be able to deal with problems as a couple? Marrying without evaluating these can again lead to a divorce. 

Reason #5: No kids means no glue to hold each other together

Most second and third marriages don’t produce children and hence it is believed that the couple doesn’t have enough glue to stick to each other. They don’t consider working things out for the sake of children. Though it is a tough job to raise kids, it can’t be denied that they play a stabilizing impact in retaining a marriage. 

Therefore, if you’re someone who is thinking of tying the knot yet again, make sure you reconsider your decision time and again. For expert help, you may get in touch with a marriage counselor. 

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